7 Unbelievable Facts About Kidnap And Ransom Basics For Security Professionals
Our Executive is Missing: Kidnap and Ransom Basics for Security Professionals Law Enforcement: One of the early critical decisions needed during a kidnapping is the degree your company will engage with law enforcement in the likely foreign jurisdiction of the incident. Law enforcement’s priorities, including the identification, apprehension, and prosecution of the kidnappers, may impede effective negotiations. Police pressure can have a significant and negative impact on the time/money correlation that is present during all kidnappings for ransom. secure transportation Colombia Corporations should strongly consider obtaining the services of a security consultant with a proven track record in ransom negotiations. These consultants already have established liaison with law enforcement and military in the countries where kidnap is most prevalent. The taking of a U.S. citizen hostage or a ransom demand made against the U.S. Government, regardless of the vict...