How The Top 5 Travel Risk Management Considerations For Business Travelers Can Increase Your Profit!
Planning a business trip has its own unique challenges even at the best of times – like lining up transportation for multiple people or securing necessary travel documents or visas – but the most important plans to make are the ones you hope never come to fruition. As Murphy’s Law states, “anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”, which is why contingency plans and crisis preparedness are vital to all business travel. When you think of travel emergencies, your mind probably goes straight to medical issues, like an illness or an injury contracted abroad. However, there are two other types of emergencies that are not only more dangerous, but (in some cases) more common: natural disasters and political unrest or upheaval. An injury or sickness typically only affects the single traveler, but a natural disaster or political unrest can affect thousands of people at once. So while the triggers for each scenario are different (natural disasters can occur with no warning, political tensions c...